Université de Bordeaux CNRS
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Academic staff

Prof. Frédéric Castet 3863 frederic.castet@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Cédric Crespos 6310 cedric.crespos@u-bordeaux.fr
Prof. Alain Fritsch 6205 alain.fritsch@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Yacine Hannachi 2436 yacine.hannachi@u-bordeaux.fr
Prof. Jean-Claude Rayez (Eméritat) 6608 jean-claude.rayez@u-bordeaux.fr
Prof. Jean-Christophe Soetens 2242 jean-christophe.soetens@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Lionel Truflandier 2794 lionel.truflandier@u-bordeaux.fr

CNRS staff

Philippe Aurel 2243 philippe.aurel@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Laurent Bonnet 2989 claude-laurent.bonnet@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Philippe Halvick 8377
Dr. Pascal Larrégaray 2961 pascal.larregaray@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Jean Marc Leyssale 6314 jean-marc.leyssale@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Raphaël Méreau 2281 raphael.mereau@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Amaël Obliger 2436 amael.obliger@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Marie-Thérèse Rayez (Eméritat) 6311 marie-therese.rayez@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Thierry Stoecklin 2598 thierry.stoecklin@u-bordeaux.fr

Non Permanent & Postdoctoral Researchers

Dr. Norhan Omar norhan.omar@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Noeliarinala Felana Andriambelaza noeliarinala-felana.andriambelaza@u-bordeaux.fr
Dr. Verònica Postils Ribó vpostils@gmail.com

PhD Students

Laura Viaud laura.viaud@u-bordeaux.fr
Ricardo Manuel Garcia Vazquez ricardo-manuel.garcia-vazquez@u-bordeaux.fr
Angela Dellai angela.dellai@u-bordeaux.fr
Mattéo Cayla matteo.cayla@u-bordeaux.fr
Nathan Amrofel nathan.amrofel@univ-lorraine.fr
Joshua Forer joshua.forer@u-bordeaux.fr
Raidel Martin Barrios rmartin9301@gmail.com
Franck Polewczyk franck.polewczyk@u-bordeaux.fr
Kévin Potier kevin.potier@u-bordeaux.fr

Visiting Professors

Dr. Germercy Paredes Guerrero, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Santo Domingo, October-April 2021-22
Dr. Fabio Busnengo, Instituto de Física Rosario, Argentina, October-November 2016
Prof. Suryanarayana Sastry Ramasesha, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, December 2014
Prof. Sylvio Canuto, Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, January 2014
Dr. Kaline Coutinho, Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, January 2014
Dr. David Bowler, University College London, U.K, April 2012
Prof. Pr. Bernd Engels, University of Würzburg, Germany, November 2011
Prof. Claudio Zannoni, University of Bologna, Italy, November 2011
Prof. Régis Gautier, Université de Rennes 1, November 2011
Prof. Claude Millot, Equipe CBT, UMR 7565, Nancy Université, January 2011
Dr. Jérôme Cornil, Lab. for Chemistry of Novel Materials, Université de Mons, Belgium, May 2009
Dr. David Beljonne, Lab. for Chemistry of Novel Materials, Université de Mons, Belgium, March 2006 & May 2008
Prof. Benoît Champagne, Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique (LCT), Université de Namur, Belgium, March 2006 & 2011

Alumni & Retirees

Dr. Carmelo Naim, 2019−2022, PhD
Dr. Kristina Ariskina, 2019−2022, PhD
Dr. Olatz Uranga Barandiaran, 2019−2022, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Saint-Sebastien)
Dr. Laurie Lescos, 2019−2021, PhD
Dr. Miguel Del Jesus Lara Moreno, 2015−2020, PhD &6 Postdoctoral pôsition
Dr. Alberto Rodriguez Fernandez;, 2017−2020, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Saint-Sebastien)
Dr. Laure Lespade, CNRS
Dr. Cesar Ibarguen Becerra;, 2016−2019, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Saint-Sebastien)
Dr. Claire Tonnelé, 2016−2019, Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Alejandro Pena Torres, 2016−2018, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Saint-Sebastien)
Dr. Laurent Ducasse, CNRS
Dr. Katarzyna Brymora, 2016−2018, Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Christophe Deraedt, 2017−2018, ATER
Dr. Korniela Pielak, 2015−2018, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Namur)
Dr. Sai Manoj Gali, 2015−2017, PhD
Dr. Luca Muccioli, 2015−2017, Junior Chair AMADEus Labex
Dr. Micaela Matta, 2016−2017, Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Angelos Giannakopoulos, 2016−2017, Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Oihana Galparsoro, 2014−2016, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/San Sebastien)
Dr. Mamy Rivo Dianzinga, 2014−2016, PhD
Dr. Alexis Fradon, 2014−2016, PhD (Codirection ISM/LCPO)
Dr. Ghofrane Ouerfelli, 2014−2016, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Tunisie)
Prof. Philippe-Anthony Bopp, Université Bordeaux
Prof. Daniel Liotard, Université Bordeaux 1
Dr. Otoniel Denis Alpizar, 2011−2015, PhD & Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Rémi Petuya, 2012−2014, PhD
Dr. Sébastien Mothy, 2011−2014, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Mons)
Dr. Arbelo Gonzalez Wilmer, 2011−2013, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/La Havane)
Dr. Claire Tonnelé, 2010−2013, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Mons)
Dr. Ernesto−Luis Quintas Sanchez, 2010−2012, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/La Havane)
Dr. Sébastien Nénon, 2011−2012, Postdoctoral Research Assistant (MINOTOR European Project)
Dr. Gabriel Marchand, 2010−2012, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Duisburg−Essen)
Dr. Julien Idé, 2009−2011, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Mons)
Dr. Adrien Savoyant, 2011, Postdoctoral Research Assistant (MINOTOR European Project)
Dr. Aurélie Plaquet, 2008−2011, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/Namur)
Dr. Elena Bogdan, 2008−2011, PhD
Dr. Florence Turpin, 2008−2010, PhD
Dr. Seyhan Salman, 2009−2010, Postdoctoral Research Assistant (MINOTOR European Project)
Dr. Eric Péfoute, 2008−2010, PhD
Dr. Geneviève Volpilhac, CNRS
Takuya Minami, January 2010, Graduate student from Osaka University
Dr. Maykel Gonzalez−Martinez, 2006−2009, PhD (Codirection Bordeaux/La Havane)
Dr. Philippe D'Antuono, 2008−2009, Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Dr. Grégoire Guillon, 2005−2009, PhD
Dr. Ludovic Martin, 2005−2009, PhD
M.Sc. Rungroj Chanajaree, July−Aug. 2009, Graduate student from Universität Leipzig
Prof. Kazuyasu Ibuki, 2006−2007, from Doshisha University Kyoto
Dipl. Ing. Holger Maier, Aug. 2005 and later, Graduate student from TU−Darmstadt
Dr. Tanin Nanok, January 2003 − April 2004, RGJ−graduate student from Kasetsart University Bangkok
Dr. Ildiko Harsányi, Jan − Jul 2003, Marie Curie−graduate student from MTA−KFKI−SZFKI Budapest
Dr. Giovanni di Gregorio, 2002, Marie Curie graduate student from Palermo
Dr. Jörn Buhn, April − Jul 2003, Marie Curie graduate student from TU−Darmstadt