Université de Bordeaux CNRS
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October 25, 2021 : Soutenance de Thèse de Laurie Lescos
"Simulation of second-order nonlinear optical properties of organic systems: from the isolated molecule to nanoparticles"
15h00, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

June 03-04, 2019 : Journées de Dynamique du Sud-Ouest 2019
Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

Organizers : T. Stoecklin, P. Larregaray

December 10, 2018 : Soutenance de Thèse de Alejandro Pena Torres
"Contribution à l'étude théorique de la dynamique réactionnelle du système N2/W(100)"
10h30, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

November 14, 2018 : Soutenance de Thèse de Miguel Lara-Moreno
"Etude des mécanismes possibles de formation et de destruction d'anions dans le milieu interstellaire"
11h00, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

July 03, 2018 : Soutenance de Thèse de Kornelia Pielak
"Commutation des réponses optiques non linéaires du second ordre des indolino-oxazolidines: des molécules en solution aux surfaces fonctionnalisées"
15h00, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

October 10, 2017 : Soutenance de Thèse de Manoj Gali
"Modeling of structure/charge transport properties in materials for organic electronics"
09h30, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

December 07, 2016 : Soutenance de Thèse de Mamy Rivo Dianzinga
"N-representable density matrix perturbation theory"
09h00, Bâtiment A29 - Amphi C

November 30, 2016 : Soutenance de Thèse de Alexis Fradon
"Design of pi-conjugated polymers for organic photovoltaic assisted by theoretical modelling"
10h00, ENSCBP Bâtiment B

July 04-07, 2016 : OPTIQUE Bordeaux 2016

February 12-13, 2016 : 7th European Symposium on Computing π-Conjugated Compounds
Université de Bordeaux : Pole Juridique et Judiciaire, 35 place Pey Berland, 33000 Bordeaux

Organizers : L. Truflandier, F. Castet, A. Correa da Costa, M. Matta, L.Muccioli

November 26-27, 2015 : Bordeaux − Euskampus Symposium
Scientific session : LIA − Theoretical Chemistry and Physics at the Quantum Scale
9h00, DIPC

December 9-10, 2014 : GdR ThéMS
Dynamique Quantique dans les systèmes moléculaires: théorie, modélisation, simulation [Program]
Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

Organizers : T. Stoecklin, P. Larregaray, C. Crespos

November 20, 2014 : Bordeaux − Euskampus Symposium
Scientific session : LIA − Theoretical Chemistry and Physics at the Quantum Scale
9h00, Salle de réunion du groupe THEO, 3ème étage est

September 17, 2014 : Soutenance de Thèse de Rémi Pétuya
"Contribution à la description théorique de la dynamique des processus élémentaires hétérogènes : collisions de l'azote moléculaire et de l'hydrogène atomique avec des surfaces de tungstène"
10h00, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

April 1, 2014 : Soutenance de Thèse de Otoniel Denis-Alpizar
"Calculs de dynamique inélastique pour des collisions moléculaires d'intérêt astrochimique"
10h30, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

January 21 - 23, 2014 : Chemical Reactivity 2014 : from accurate theories to simple models
Bordeaux, France

The International Meeting « Chemical Reactivity, from Accurate Theories to Simple Models », will be held at the University of Bordeaux 1 (Talence / France) from January 21th to 23th, 2014. Given in honour of Prof. Jean-Claude Rayez' career, this conference will offer a stimulating exchange of ideas between theoretical chemists coming from various horizons, like electronic structure, spectroscopy, or chemical dynamics and kinetics in gas and condensed phases. About 50 participants are expected at the workshop, many of whom will be able to present an oral contribution. Ample time for discussion and wine tasting are scheduled as well. [Program]

Organizers : L. Bonnet, P. Larregaray

November 15, 2013 : Soutenance de Thèse de Wilmer Arbelo Gonzalez
"Contribution à l'inclusion d'effets quantiques dans la description classique des collisions moléculaires"
10h00, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

September 12, 2013 : Soutenance de Thèse de Claire Tonnelé
"Chemical sensors : modelling the photophysics of cation detection by organic dyes"
15h30, Mons (Belgique)

June 12 - 14, 2013 : WORKSHOP : Conquest meeting 2013
Bordeaux, France

Organizers : L. Truflandier, A. Fritsch

June 10 - 14, 2013 : WORKSHOP : Quantum Reactive Scattering 2013 (12th edition)
Bordeaux, France

The 12th workshop on Quantum Reactive Scattering (QRS12) will be held at the University of Bordeaux 1 (Talence / France) from June 10th to 14th, 2013. Started in 1990 as an informal gathering of theoreticians interested in the quantum and semiclassical descriptions of molecular scattering processes, this conference always offers a stimulating exchange of ideas. About 100 participants are expected at the workshop, many of whom will be able to present a contribution (plenary lectures, short communications or posters). Ample time for discussion and wine tasting are scheduled as well.

Organizers : L. Bonnet, P. Larregaray

December 12, 2012 : Soutenance de Thèse de Ernesto Luis Quintas Sanchez
"Description théorique de la dynamique de recombinaison Eley-Rideal de molécules d'azote à la surface du tungstène"
11h00, InSTEC, La Havane (Cuba)

November 22, 2012 : Inauguration du nouveau cluster de calcul du Pôle Modélisation de l'ISM
11h00, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

November 7 - 8, 2012 : SYMPOSIUM : Quantum Modeling of Electronic Processes in Organic Optoelectronic Devices
Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est, Bordeaux, France

The "Quantum Modeling of Electronic Processes in Organic Optoelectronic Devices" symposium was held at the ISM, within the framework of a collaborative network gathering research groups in Bordeaux, Marseille, Wurzburg (Germany), Namur (Belgium), Mons (Belgium) and London (England). The scientific project aims at providing a fundamental understanding of the electronic processes governing the efficiency of organic optoelectronic devices such as light emitting devices, organic solar cells or (bio)chemical sensors, by combining a multidiciplinary approach combining various quantum theoretical modeling techniques.

Organizers : F. Castet, L. Truflandier

November 28, 2011 : Soutenance de Thèse de Julien Idé
"Modeling of charge transport processes in supra-molecular architectures and at organic-organic interfaces"
10h00, Salle de conférence ISM, 3ème étage est

Bordeaux, France

The 24th edition of the International Symposium on Molecular Beams will take place from Monday May 23rd to Thursday May 26th 2011 in Bordeaux. The conference site is located at the University Bordeaux 1 in Talence.
The program will include sessions on ultrafast dynamics, photodissociation, collisions (reactive, inelastic, at surfaces, ion-molecule), cold molecules, clusters, helium droplets, spectroscopy and biomolecules.

Local organisation committee : M. Costes & C. Naulin (co-chairs), A. Bergeat, L. Bonnet, C. Crespos, K.M. Hickson, P. Larregaray, J.-C. Loison, J.-C. Rayez, M.-T. Rayez, T. Stoecklin
International scientific committee : A. Aguilar, J. Alonso, J. Aoiz , M. Ashfold, L. Banares, R. Beck, M. Broyer, P. Casavecchia, O. Cheshnovsky, J.-H. Choi, R. Continetti, M. Costes, A. Ding , M. Duncan, M. Farnik, H.Fielding, B. Girard, N. Halberstadt, K. Honma, W. Jaeger, T. Kasai, T. Kitsopoulos, K. Liu, R. Lobo, T. Maerk, K. McKendrick, G. Meijer, K. Meiwes-Broer, F. Merkt, D. Nesbitt, D. Neumark, D. Parker, L. Rusin, T. Softley, F. Stienkemeier, A. Stolow, S. Stolte, D. Stranges, T. Suzuki, P. Tosi, O. Vasiutinski, F. Vecchiocattivi, J. Visticot, X. Yang, D. Zajfman.

May 6, 2011 : Soutenance de Thèse de Elena Bogdan
"Caractérisation expérimentale et théorique de la première hyperpolarizabilité de molécules organiques et d'interrupteurs moléculaires"
10h00, Bâtiment A29, Amphi E

December 17, 2010 : Soutenance de Thèse de Florence Turpin
"Etude théorique de collisions inélastiques atome - diatome sous l'action d'un champ magnétique : applications en Astrochimie et au domaine du refroidissement et du piégeage moléculaires"
10h15, Bâtiment A29, Amphi B

November 30th - December 3rd, 2010 : ELEMENTARY REACTIVE PROCESSES AT SURFACES (3rd Edition)
Bordeaux, France

The 3rd meeting on Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces (ERPS2010) will be held at the University of Bordeaux 1 (Talence / France) from November 30th to December 3rd, 2010. This international meeting gathers researchers interested in experimental and theoretical aspects of reactivity at surfaces. Research topics include: dynamics of atomic and molecular adsorption/desorption and recombination, non-adiabatic effects, energy dissipation, self-assembling, surface functionalization, surface photochemistry, ...
The goal is to bring together researchers actively working in any of these topics and discuss about their recent results, the current status of the field, and future perspectives. We expect to have about 50-100 participants in the workshop, many of which will be able to present a contribution. Ample time for discussion and wine tasting is previewed as well.

Local organisation committee : C. Crespos, P. Larregaray, Ph. Aurel, J.-C. Rayez
International scientific committee : H. F. Busnengo, C.Crespos, R. Diez-Muino , D. Farias, A. Gross, A. Hodgson, L. Juurlink, G. J. Kroes, M. Rocca

October 03 - 08, 2010 : Symposium "Molecular switches: when theory meets experiment" organized at the occasion of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, Kos Island (Greece)

The ICCMSE meeting is organized annually since 2003 and gathers more and more scientists interested in computational sciences and related topics. In 2009, more than 200 people attended the conference and the different symposia/sessions that were proposed and organized by scientists.
Scope of the Symposium : Molecular switches are compounds, of which the properties change upon commutation between different forms as a reaction to external stimuli (change in temperature, pH, ion concentrations, pressure, light and particle irradiation). Often, this refers to photochromism, thermochromism, or acidochromism but recent investigations have also shown that the nonlinear optical properties can be tuned upon commutation. The design of such systems, and in particular organic photochromic compounds, has been motivated since several decades by their potential applications in sensing devices or in optoelectronic devices for optical information transport and storage. In this symposium, we will tackle the design of such systems by adopting a multidiciplinary approach combining preparation, experimental characterization, and theoretical modeling.

Organizers : F. Castet, B. Champagne (Univ. Namur)

July 16 - 18, 2008 : Korean-French Joint Symposium on Chemical Dynamics

This symposium is the third of a series of meetings the main goal of which is to stimulate the existing collaborations between Korean and French dynamicists and create new ones. This event is in keeping with the general strengthening of the relations between European and Asian countries and in particular, the cooperation between the KOSEF (Korea Science and Engineering Foundation) and the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique).
The general theme of the symposium is Chemical Reaction Dynamics in a broad sense. This fundamental field of research aims at improving our description and understanding of nuclear and electronic motions in the course of chemical processes, the ultimate goal being to predict and control chemical reactivity.